Fasting Chronicles Day 9

Fasting Chronicles Day 9:

The day started okay. Breakfasts, snacks, lunches and drop off.

After, we made a quick stop to Bulk Barn, or what I imagined would be a quick stop. Conversation with the employees was a bit too long and I really started to feel the effects. I ended buying some teas (orange pekoe, peppermint, apple cinnamon and vanilla rooibos). I could use the variety and headed home.

I didn't have the energy to make my tea and my husband ended making me two cups of mint tea. I feel awful.

I already know how today is going to go and I just have to take it easy. It's funny, but during long fasts, a lot of bargaining with yourself goes on. Should I continue? Can I continue? Why am I continuing? Why am I even doing this? But in the end, you resolve to go on and take it day by day or if the body calls for it, you stop the fast altogether.

        Tips for a successful fast:
  • Fasting has a definite start and a definite end
  • Drink water and clear fluids (tea, coffee, broth) during your fast.
  • If you are not going to do a complete water fast, try and keep your daily caloric intake to under 200 calories.
  • Keep physical activities to a minimum, as your heart is in a resting state.
  • Read, watch movies, surf the internet to keep your mind off your fast. Don't look up food sites on Pinterest and Instagram.
  • When you can and have time, explore different types of fasts, ie. soup fast, rice fast, Intermittent fasting (IF), egg fast, juice fast, etc.
  • Refrain from fasting during holidays, celebrations and special occasions. Temptation will get the better of you and you will end up breaking your fast.
  •  Recognize the difference between withdrawal signals and end the fast signals.
  • If you must break your fast, please do. That's your body talking to you. Listen to it.
The teas I purchased today have been helping. I have resolved to go on. At least for today.

The afternoon brought rest and movies. Not doing much today. The husband is feeling better and I pretty much watched him work.

Picked up the kids from school and returned to finish my movie.

Today, my body is demanding tea and warm drinks. This is good, because I am listening to the signs and signals my body is giving me. Had another cup of tea. Warm drinks during my fasts help me a lot. Not only do I literally feel the drink going down when I swallow, I find it helps a lot in keeping my energy up.

Off to make dinner. Tonight, the kids are having potato pancakes made in the oven. Who has the energy to stand and fry? Please!

Had a coffee just after making dinner and I told the husband that I don't think I will be having broth tonight. He has traded places with me and is feeling drained. I'm not surprised, because although he wasn't doing anything physically taxing, he did do a lot of mental work today. There is an ad campaign we are working on, and he is our designer. Surprisingly, the coffee was quite filling.

Feeling energetic and I even helped my son wash the dishes. Not having broth today as I am feeling good. A drastic change from this morning.

Day 1 vs. Day 9

Going to chill with a movie after homework and relax with the husband.

Day 10 is coming.

Thank you for reading. Please share your experiences.



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